Moto and Apple

This is a story I haven’t heard a lot of comment on and as a result maybe missed it until a briefing at work and the presenter mentioned it. Straight over to Google and there the storey was… “Motorola deal with Apple could widen iPod lead“.

I’m not sure it’ll do a great deal for either Apple or Motorola, as the USP (there’s that acronym again) is the device it’s self, not the software.

The Mobile Phone Directory

The Mobile Phone Directory is a free resource intended to appeal to everyone interested in mobile phone communications, providing information about all aspects of mobile telecommunications from the history of the mobile phone through to today’s technological gadgets. So, whether you are planning to buy a mobile phone, are puzzled by what the jargon means, or are merely curious about the issues involved, then you will find something on our website to interest you. The site is divided into four sections: Glossary of terms, Technology, Phones, and News.

Looks good, just picked it up from Russ’s site so gonna go over there now and check it out.

UPDATE: OK I’ve had a surf around the site and to be honest it’s a bit thin. What I mean by thin is there’s not a right lot there, a guide to most handsets, ctrl c and ctrl v’d from the manufacturers website plus a RSS news feed aggregator to drag all mobile news together from the mobile based sites and blogs. Can’t really spot the USP just yet, but maybe the comparison engine that the site mentions is it…we’ll see.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Leon has dropped me an email from the MPD and advised me that “we won’t include direct
quotes from the manufacturers. Instead, we research review sites, look at
network-modified versions of the phones, go through the manuals for every
handset, and try to provide an accurate representation for what will come in
the box when you pick it up, rather than what the manufacturer wants you to
” So maybe I was wrong to suggest that it’s cut and paste from the manufacturers sites.

Treo 650

The pics of the new Treo have made their way on to the Web, below is a pic of the expected 650, it’s rumoured to have Bluetooth, larger RAM and a hi-res screen.

My concern is the current 600 isn’t able to power a wi-fi card via it’s SD slot, we wonder in the new 650 will be able to. If it can then killer device..wi-fi at home, bluetooth in the car and gprs (or wi-fi again) when out and about . See the rest of the pics here

RSS Reader of Choice

I’ve finally found the time to get the RSS feed reader working again. After the debacle of having to download a piece of software twice, notebook and desktop and then having to enter all the feeds twice, I’ve moved to Bloglines. It keptappearing in my visitor stats and I was impressed with it’s layout and now it’s ease of use.

I’ve now set up a few of my bookmarks in it and I can access it from either machine …cool.

Ofcom – The Communications Market 2004

This came out back on the the 11th of August, so sorry if you’ve already read this but it’s worth a glance..

There are fundamental economic shifts in the landscape with long-term significance. For the first time ever, subscription revenue is greater than advertising revenue in the television industry; while, in telecommunications, revenues from mobile have outstripped those from residential fixed-line telephony.
How consumers are using their time has changed dramatically as well. Between 1999 and 2003:

* Time spent online increased eight-fold (average of 2 hours a week on dial-up in 1999 to a reported 16 hours a week in broadband households in mid 2004).
* Time spent on mobile phone calls almost tripled (average of 10 minutes a week to 27 minutes).
* Text messages increased fifteen-fold (average of 1 a week to 15 a week).
* Radio listening increased by 6 per cent (41.2 hours per household per week to 43.5 hours).
* Television viewing increased by 2 per cent (25.6 hours per household per week to 26.1 hours).

Enterprises indicate plans for MPLS VPN use

I can concur with Network World Fusion and it’s article, Enterprises indicate plans for MPLS VPN use By Steve Taylor and Joanie Wexler.

We’re moving away from FR not because it’s no use, but because we looking more to the future and driving a converged strategy.

The only issue the article doesn’t mention is the cost of change, both in terms of OTC’s but also the disruption to the business.