GTD todo list for Notes

I’ve started using Brett’s GTD template for lotus notes. It was straight forward to get going and took most of yesterday to get all of the actions into the tool, but so far so good. Brett’s commented on here previously so I new he reads this.

I’ll try and make notes about any issues I find and let Brett know.

X40’s bizzare behaviour

My thinkpad took more than 30 minutes to boot in it’s docking station this morning! I’ve no idea why it wouldn’t get going, but there must have been something stoping it. It boot’s fine out of the station, once in it the boot process takes ages 😦


We bought a new digital Radio (DAB) yesterday. It’s fantastic, we allways listen to radio 5 and have often struggled with the poor reception and the AM frequencies…not anymore…It’s now  crystal clear.

Merger talks across Europe start

The move by Tele2,the Swedish-based, pan-European telecoms provider, on
Versatel of the Netherlands, the country’s largest alternative network
provider, comes at the same time as France Telecom is understood to be
considering a last-minute bid for Amena, the mobile arm of Spain’s Auna.
[The Financial Times]

It was  expected to happen in Europe and it looks like it’s starting to happen in earnest now. There’s the C&W merger with Energis and now these two. I expect these to kick off a few more as other business realise they have to acquire to expand and compete or loose ground to their competitors.

boxed action

  boxed action 
  Originally uploaded by Rob Evans.

If I’ve got a next action to do as part of a project or pick an action up on a call I write ‘action’ and draw a quick box around it.

That way, as you can see in the pic above,  the action stands out when I do a review of my journal, quickly drawing my eye to the box next to the description of the action.

When the action is complete I just put a cross through the box. That way I know the action is done, but i haven’t obliterated the description of the action itself by putting a line through it.